
Friday, January 23, 2015

Caring For Others

Benefiting Other People
Putting others first is very important now a days. Because with so much violence in the world and so many diseases some people just need to know that a good caring person is there for them in the world when they feel alone at most times or even scared.
First of all it is good to put others first instead of you because sometimes you could get a benefit out of it. For example you could get a chance to meet new people or even help new people. Maybe just make some new friends that you will always care for.
Second of all the person you put first could return the favor for you. For example maybe you’re a doctor and you have a really sick patient, then you care for them till they get better. Then all of a sudden you become really sick they could be there for you and help you like you helped them. People tend to return favors once you help them out.
Third reason is that you could end up really enjoying the feeling of putting other people first instead of you. For example you probably wouldn’t like the thought of helping someone out in a life crisis situation, but then again at the end of the day you could feel happy that you put someone first instead of yourself.
The fourth reason is that of course everyone knows it the right thing to do. Everyone was probably taught that it’s better to give than receive which is kind of this situation where you give people help instead of receiving a guilt feeling. Some people know it’s right to put people first but choose not to and then maybe later receive a guilt feeling because they didn’t do the right thing, then there are people who know it’s the right thing to put people first and that’s what they tend to do and they receive a joyful feeling from helping someone else out.
In conclusion putting people first is more important than putting yourself first. You never know what you can receive from doing something nice. Maybe the person you helped out will do you a favor when you need. Of course everyone has their own problems but its better to give than to receive.