
Monday, October 29, 2012

Random Good Luck Charlie

Hi my 4th blog today this time I will be talking about a TV show called Good Luck Charlie it appears on Disney Channel only now here a some pictures of the cast and this is where i got them from is the baby one from  Toby Duncan. Digital image. Wikia. N.p., 23 May 2012. Web. 29 Oct. 2012 and the family one from
Season3. Digital image. Wikia. N.p., 6 May 2011. Web. 29 Oct. 2012. and you can go to Disney Channel to look at pictures of Good Luck Charlie
 now if you see in the picture with a baby by itself that is the new baby named Toby he is adorable now let me tell you about the cast in the picture do you see the lady holding the baby that is the mom named Amy she is not a regular mom she is kinda crazy and she is crazy about being the center of attention now on to her husband next to her his name is Bob and his job is bug killing or like getting ride of them and he is not good with kids he dropped a child on the stairs and well she flew in the air and then he caught her then Amy found out now time for the little girl Bob is holding her name is Charlie she is the baby that Bob dropped she is very adorable and she did not want Toby and she still does not want Toby now on to the boy next to Charlie his name is Gabe and he is pure evil he is the one who named Toby now on to the girl next to Amy her name is Teddy she is very nice and loving and she makes video diaries for Charlie now she makes them for Toby now on to are final person next to teddy is PJ is not really bright not to be mean and all well now i got to go bye and watch Good Luck Charlie!!!!!!!!!!!